::Wallahi Watallahi Wabillahi::

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

:: Here is my journey! ::

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

ahlan wa sahlan ya RAMADHAN...I'm longing for you!!

Asslamualaikum warahmatullah my friends.

Happy fasting month! hooray!!!

Selamat menyambut RAMADHAN...jadikan ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari Ramadhan sebelumnya. bukan hanya berpuasa, tetapi banyakkan ibadah2 yg lain. mari sama2 beramal. jom!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dakwah for ISLAM...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wahai pencinta Allah. Macam mana kasih anda pada Illahi hari ni>??? Peace be upon you guys.

First of all, for those born as a muslim, I am begging you guys, Please be thankful to Allah . Alhamdulillah. say it ! Frankly speaking, I extremely couldn't imagine IF I WERE born as somebody which is not muslim. Nauzubillah.

I am giving you a situation. What do you feel if you are always generously giving everyone your money [or anything which belong to you, which is very USEFUL for them], but they never thank you not even ONCE. How do you feel? Happy? Definitely you will stop giving them of what they need, right? This is the analogy between Allah[The Creator] and us[His creation]. what makes difference from the analogy is that Allah never stop giving us what we need, whether you are muslim or not.

BUT WHY? The answer is extremely simple!
Because He is The Exceedingly Compassionate to the MANKIND

Where do you get your oxygen for you to breath everyday? how do you make the molecules then? or the physician creates the molecules? But who creates the physician then????

The absolute answer is ALLAH .

There is no God accept than Allah. He creates everything, really! the oxygen, trees, animals, stars, planets, ....EVERYTHING!!!! Subhanallah. Please deeply think about this my brothers and sisters! For those who are not a muslim yet, please REVERT [instead of using CONVERT] to Islam . Islam is wonderful in every aspects. trust me, really!

Please watch this video and please, never think that I'm showing off those that easily saying La Illaha Illallah Muhammad Rasululullah...but this is the reality out there. Open your eyes for the truth. The truth will never kill you. The truth will never poke your eyes and make you blind, instead it makes your sight become even more BRIGHTER than before as you helplessly see Allah's creations everywhere. Trust me...But since there is some technical error has occurred, I couldn't upload the video, but never mind..I just leave the link here. Please watch this link.



please go and watch. don't be afraid.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chapter 15:::Genap 1 tahun di sini:::

Assalamualaikum para pencinta Allah sekalian....apa khabar iman, cinta dan kasih anda semua pada agama? pada Allah? Rasul Allah? moga2 semakin meningkat dari hari ke hari. bercakap dan mengingatkan diri saya sendiri terutamanya...

Alhamdullah. It has been 1 year I am here. UNIMAS. Kolej perubatan...

Ingat lagi 1st time melangkah masuk ke sini. no feeling at all. plus, we started our syllabus on genetic. more specific, Medical genetic. It was a dry subject to me really! It really was! so apa lagi. dgn tension nya... mcm masih x dpt cope and adapt the life as a medical student. Ni belum jd doktor memang dah busy tahap max...nanti InsyaAllah kalau dah jd doktor, lagi busy. Lumrah hidup.

masa makin berlalu, pejam celik pejam celik, dah 2nd year. Alhamdulillah... serius, kat sini, nampak mcm kami tenang, but deep down inside, memang otak cramp with all those subjects yg byk. mana nak baca physiology, pathology, ANATOMY, and many more .

kalau diikutkan, blaja kat sini mcm xde feel sgt jd doktor tu sbb mungkin blm masuk clinical year lagi [Insyaallah, kalau lulus prof exam 2nd year bln 4 tahun depan, masuklah 3rd year, student sini 3rd year semua pergi Sibu 1 tahun. nak dikatakan ,memang menempek kat hospital Sibu.

tp masa 1sy year and 2nd year ni, memang ada pergi hospital [Sarawak General Hospital], which is just walking-distance dari fakulti saya. kdg2 kalau pergi hospital, ambik history taking patient, rasa mcm crowded sgt hospital tu. that day, saya dan kwn2, ambik history taking patient lumpuh, chinese, apa lagi kwn2 saya yg cina ckp cina. saya malas nak dgr, terus pergi berborak dgn sorang pak cik ni [ESCAPE!].. nak nak pulak pakcik ni jenis yg talkative. [ingat nak borak kejap je, last2, sampai habis kwn2 saya ambik history taking, baru saya buat2 sibuk ambik tau hal dorang balik[hahahahaha]....

pastu, tetiba pulak dgr patient menjerit dari kawasan dpn meja doktor, [masa tu kat medicine ward department, tingkat 8 kalau x silap saya]...masa tu saya tgah rancak berborak dgn pakcik tu, saya pun sibuk la tgok sapa yg jerit2 sakan....tgok kaki dia kena ikat..."x mungkin la pesakit mental...pesakit mental kat hospital sentosa..."

saya pun balik semula ke katil pakcik tadi tu. blur sekejap sambil berfikir....

dan saya pun conclude, maybe dia bkn pesakit mental, tp mungkin ada emotional deranged sikit sbb yela....sapa suka masuk hospital? MasyaAllah....

tu satu dari beberapa experiences saya di hospital. hopefully, saya lagi lebih bersemangat dalam belajar utk Allah, berdakwah kat hospital,...insyaAllah.

ingat lagi sorang tanya, nanti nak kerja hospital mana? saya berdasarkan apa yg saya tgok keadaan sarawak general hospital yg sgt crowded[pernah naik tangga sampai tingkat 8 sbb lift rosak], rasa nak apply hospital Miri ke....tp x tau lagi.....lama lagi.....InsyaAllah kalau Allah masih panjangkan usia saya sampai ke hari itu...amin

Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan saya dunia akhirat....Amin....