(Pada hari kiamat kelak) orang yang bersahabat saling bermusuhan di antara satu sama lain, kecuali orang-orang yang bertaqwa." (al-Zukhruf:67)
Source : http://dukeamienerev.blogspot.com
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.....
Alhamdulillah for everything, O Allah..
For still giving me another day and chance to make a post.
InsyaAllahu Ta'ala...I gonna share about the precious people [besides my family ], that always bear with me, cling with me... for almost 10 years since back then...thanks Allah for giving me another bless, to get to know them....they're not among ustaz-ustazah to-be, which they don't have to be at all...From my previous post, I've written a little bit about Nana...Nana was my roommate in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan....
For the first time in my life, I gonna share about not just one but several friends of mine which do enlighten my life until now.. some of them were my primary schoolmates. some of them were my secondary schoolmates. When, where, or how I get to know them are not important at all nor to discern them from the duration of the friendship. they just make it the same..
It has been almost 2 years since I left KML with 1001 memories. how I changed drastically. the way I thinking...my so-called khemah-like appearance... many of them didn't know about the new version of me.
Spending raya at home this year was really a long-lasting moment to be remembered. it is a life-time memories to be marked! despite having my lovely family to celebrate raya with me,making our raya into the most hilarious raya as we could, I was like thinking that I need nothing more despite them to cheer up my life.
But Allah reminded me of my old friends, those that I left without any clues during my transformation and transition time.
Alhamdulillah....Allah had given me another chance to celebrate raya 2011 with them.
and for sure, they were a bit [errr] surprise to see me except Pikah, Zety, Shirly and adib. the rest were like "...... "
Although they were not saying out how surprise they were to see me , but I could easily felt kind of something.. their emotional reactions were all transparent and I could easily observe those reactions... hehehehe...
To see someone with a kind of reaction about you doesn't need for them to say something like this...
"aie...ketika cinta bertasbih dah meresapi jiwa kawanku...apa harus aku buat??sob sob sob"
or might be this...
" ni banyak sangat tengok ceghita indon ni...tu la pasai.....awat na dok buat tudung lagu khemah....tak panas ka?"
or should be something like....
" aku ni takut bebeno tengok si anu ni bertudung rupe tu...ntah2 dia ni ajaran mana ntah dia ikut....simpang malaikat 44 anak aku jadi macam tu...."
STOP IT!!! stop with those imaginations....!!
I whispered to my heart, " don't worry...they will accept you...." calming my own uneasy feeling.
To confront them, it was hard for me... as they knew me very well during our school-time...how naughty I used to be....how bising I used to be...how I love to play around with them..making fun of each other.....
now, InsyaAllah, I'll try my best to leave all my mischievous acts. '
thank you for making my life into different colors.. we might be apart... we might now choose to have different kind of friends in our new world as a 20's... nonetheless, please spare just one segment in our hearts to be filled with the priceless memories that we had subconsciously build together back then.
A reminder for you guys, lets make our life a step by step closer to our Creator....
Let us return back to the path of Allah with all of our hearts. let us become the next generation of muslim that really practice Islam in our temporary life in this non-permanent world. I am not becoming a 'pelik' but I just wanna synchronize and fit myself as a real muslim. obeying all of the commands of Allah a'zza wajalla in the Holy Quran...practising 5-time prayers, leave behind unnecessary stuffs that has nothing to do with Islam or anything that never make us recall our Creator...make us forget to remember Allah in our life...make us feel that the death is still far from us...MasyaAllah...leave them... I am not saying that this is the best way to appear as a muslim or to behave like a muslim.. if you just figure out a better way, as long as it brings you closer to HIM, just do it...Let us change for the Ummah and help Muslim friends across the world to strengthen back the Ummah of Rasulullah ... and please forgive me for everything....May Allah purifies our hearts, May Allah fills our hearts with the knowledge of Islam, May Allah make the surah[s] in Holy Quran engraved in our hearts easily so that wherever we go...whatever problems that we might encountered with, so that we always get the answers from Him... shall you?
You guys make up another structure of my backbone...that is why you guys are mentioned here....thanks for the support.... Let us change to a better muslim! devoting ourselves into the path of Allah...I am so afraid that I'll not be able to make my footstep in His Greatland just because I never ask you guys to change or to be more conscious on how weak the Ummah of Islam now...I really wanna meet Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.....I don't want him to be sad of how weak his ummah is...
Hadis Persahabatan: Ikatan Setiakawan Kerana Allah
"Ikatan iman yang paling teguh ialah setiakawan demi Allah dan berkonfrontasi demi Allah, kasih demi Allah, benci pun demi Allah." (Riwayat Tayalasi, Hakim, Tabarani fi al-Kabir dan al-Ausat, Ahmad, Ibn Abi Syaibah, dan Ibn. Nasr)
Source : http://dukeamienerev.blogspot.com

wallahuallam bi showwab
Taqqaballah minna wa minkum
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