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:: Here is my journey! ::

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

:::Chapter 14: Life as it is! :::

Assalamualaikum wahai para pencinta Allah sekalian....apa khabar anda semua?

ermmm....lama jugak rasa tak update ape2 kat sini....

banyak news to share...banyak stories to tell....

1. Alhamdulillah...melangkah ke second year....gambateh!!!hayya bil jihad!

28 mei[lebih kurang]... keluarlah result final year 1 yg ditunggu2 setelah 3 MINGGU STUDY WEEKS, 3 PAPERS, < 10 HOURS MUNTAHKAN LARVA ILMU kurniaan ALLAH....ALHAMDULILLAH....saya LULUS.... juga mungkin saya diuji dgn kelulusan saya [ as usual perasaan tu dtg...].
pada hari kejadian, yes....I would rather admit that I was crying....very much.....

saya tahu 100% Allah yang menolong saya......terima kasih Allah....

" Jika Allah menolong kamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkanmu tetapi jika Allah membiarkanmu, maka siapa yang dapat menolongmu setelah itu?kerana itu, hendaklah kepada Allah sahaja orang mukmin bertawakal " Surah Ali- Imran : 160

2. Home sweet home

balik rumah....wah.....alhamdulillah....waima cuti hanya seminggu...[repeat]...hanya seminggu...tetapi syukur alhamdulillah....banyak habiskan masa kat rumah rather than keluar dgn kwn2. hanya hari ni je terima pelawaan kawan2 yg ajak keluar....thnx a mei xiao jie cause willing to fetch me at home...xie xie ni ooo...and funny thing kan...bila dia hantar saya balik rumah, as saya dah terbiasa cara kakak2 usrah and naqibah bersalam mesti peluk and cium pipi 3 kali...I did the same thing exactly what those kakak did to me. haha... hopefully a mei faham la...hahaha...honestly, we do really look good together as a best friend since secondary school..tak lupa zatie,pikah and xiao jing xiao jie yg turut keluar....

and of course my mom always be the best cook ever. today, she is planning to cook LAKSA SARAWAK yang sedap tak hengat.....alhamdulillah....

[gambar hiasan semata-mata...]

3. hey...mama afzal updated his blog! I just love it!

that's what make me more and more blossom![ape ni?]
having reading his updated blog again making me regained back my motivation, spirit....and apa2 je la...and my love towards Allah....how Allah has directs him and continued by his mom such a wonderful blog ever....he was not a top-ranking blogger even, but how his blog could change you...thumbs up! Allahuakbar!

4. eksperimen katak? Sounds great. I should give it a TRY [at least once]

haha...that's so called creepy-scary experiment should be done at least once by any muslim. oppss....I haven't [sambil angkat tangan]...credit given to this hamba Allah for the post regarding this experiment. I really should do that once...at least...tetapi, memandangkan saya ni jenis pencinta binatang tak hengat, saya perlu menggantikan katak kepada something more tiny mcm lalat....lets see how it works.......insyaAllah


5. Madrasah Al-Taqwa...

takdir ketentuan Allah.....MUSIBAH ITU MUHASABAH...

"Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai mati. Dan hanya pada hari kiamat sajalah diberikan dengan sempurna balasanmu.." Surah Ali-Imran : 185

" Di mana pun kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkanmu kendatipun kamu berada di dalam benteng yang tinggi dan kukuh......" surah An Nisa' : 78

6. Dalam Mihrab Cinta

Having watching this movie...[thumbs up ] although the story line at the beginning was not that strong. but at the end of the movie, this movie really taught you something. just go and watch it not for fun but to dig some lessons....saya sukeeeeeeee............................

sampai sini sahaja cerita saya yang bersahaja as it is.....thanx ! Wassalam....

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