السلام عليكم
::time limitation : 30 minutes::
Hopefully in this 30 minutes time, I could share as many as possible in this post.
1. Under this UPPS Economy Bureau
::Starting my day as a medical student as well as AJK Ekonomi UPPS[Surau] is not extremely easy and YET also not extremely BURDENSOME. I take it with a big [BIG ] pleasure.. becoming a medical student is not totally causing you to 24-7 stucked in a pail of notes or books, as for me, gaining economy[financial] sources for surau also absolutely fine for me as I do this merely for Allah and may Allah receive my deed. [InsyaAllah]... ::this time is totally different from what I had been hardly went through in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan. and the scope is so much FAR FAR different..In KML, I was a head of Lajnah Akademik [for muslimat] and handling things related to study was the common job I did, back then. Diskusi Akademik[I start to miss many things in Labuan eventhough I just spell out one of the memorable thing/event that happened there. How powerful KML could be? You will know it if you are happen to be KML student! AND AJK SURAU AL IRFAAN even more! :)
::what's different??I feel like spewing things out now!::
CHAPTER 1 : 1001 memories of Al-Irfaan & the people of it
--->My Muslimin leader: Lajnah Akademik: He is pretty much inspirable as a student..[I should regurgitate this out here after 1year storing it inside my voice box..]..he was as busy as me...no no no...correction...he was even more busier than me. Handling many programmes under Al-Irfan..I am just a piece of meat to be compared to him...Doing so many things never obstruct him from getting 4flat in his study and also missed just a 0.xx point to get 4 flat in 2nd semester,..Unlike me, I was so useless handling my emotional part [ being scolded by him, being ignored any of my opinions, being a pseudo-secretary to him and many2 more unsatisfied things ] . Worst it,I opted to leave my lajnah and texting him to take my assistant as my replacement [ how immature I was by that time] ..On top of it, Allah has touched my heart for NOT TO DO SO...so I didn't..instead of retreating myself from lajnah, I stayed. Alhamdulillah..nevertheless..No matter how bad we were treating each other, or no matter how very rude we were talking to each other [arguing over tiny problems , I admit that, he indirectly teaching me alots of lessons.. As a leader, I respect him so much.. thank you Allah for giving me such a memorable first experience to work for ISLAM ..giving me such a problematical yet brilliant leader for me to encounter with as I growing up as a MUSLIMAH with that bitter experience...by the time being, I tend to put as much 'SUGAR' as I could afford to make it SWEET just like now..once being as a part of Al Irfaan family, it is turn out to be so sweet and I am sinking in the sweetness of the memories in my mind now and forever my life[world&HereAfter]...InsyaAllah & ALhamdulillah..

"O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly"
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, kalau kamu membela (agama) Allah nescaya Allah membela kamu (untuk mencapai kemenangan) dan meneguhkan tapak pendirian kamu"
::My Sahabat-sahabat..[brothers&sisters in Islam of KML-Al Irfan]..my bestfriend ever,PKAH[whom always supporting me], Rahimah, Haslinah hijau, pijut, dinie, Rarang,Masrah, bibut,azlinah, Tura, Nana[My roommate], tiqa, afrah, hafiz, azri, al-amin, abg azri, izat...many2 more people..I just spew several names that revolved throughout my days in KML.. not to mentioned the one that I just written above. missing that ukhuwah so much..longing and missing...InsyaAllah if we never get to meet in this world, may Allah meet us all in His Al-Jannah...InsyaAllah...
*thank you for being so understanding, not scolding me during the camp[though I was crying my heart out!!], accepting me in the Al-Irfan with so much pleasure, helping me around during my hard times...thank you!*
CHAPTER 2 : Encounter new life & new people
:: for biro ekonomi, there is no such thing like having what so-called 'ahli lajnah'..here, I am the only assistant to my muslimin leader...and there is only both of us in this bureau. The same thing goes for other bureaus. not to mention it.
::Muslimin leader is my 2nd year senior --> RESPECT. yes. that's it. it's not like my previous leader which is just the same age with me. for my new leader, I am fully obeying his words. [not so 100%..haha]..but he is just fine..not strict at all..cool..and easily breaking into laugh whenever I make mistakes while talking and even when I showing disagree face in front of him..the thing that he probably spell out might be..'mana-mana je' which I actually hate the most..no feeling of depressed getting him as my leader...I learnt that kind of strength from my previous experience, and I think, I am stronger than before in term of encountering many kind of people behaviours..
--> sahabat2 hahahaha...they are just them! [ermm...don't get it wrong by listening to this pronounciation...maybe a bit harsh if you hear it wrongly!] I love to be in this circle..they are so much fun to be with and alhamdulillah, so far, the same faces 'filling up' the surau has becoming my mutual friends...cari kawan , yg selalu pergi surau.. and also there are seniors. to name it, Kak syikin, kak lina, kak mimi, kak ema, kak surianah and several of them more also always get closer to me & my several friends in preaching what we should do next and next as a muslimah[da'ie of Islam]...not to be mentioned here as it is 'in the box' matter.
--> selling nasi lemak I did it! Rarang, I beat your lajnah makanan !!!pejah pandai suda jual2 nasi lemak!!!hahahahaha .. though it was cook under hire-wire kitchen and alhamdulillah no one gets diarrhoea from eating it!!!!
cooking& selling nasi lemak under surau all by myself and not to forgot, several friends came & helped me..:LELA,AUFI,KAK LINA..tq! it such a thumbs up moment recently...hahahaa...I should be proud to mention it but still stuck in the shyness..hahahaha...In the end, I felt so relieved! I did it! BUT NOT TO PROUD OF..HAHA...
:::As a conclusion, apart of being student, I should feeling more pleasure taking myself into this thing as long as it is, merely because of Allah & ISLAM, I will never count it as a burden...:::
::I just have 2 chapters inside this so-called book... namely ' Looking Back The Unstoppable Moments '

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