::Wallahi Watallahi Wabillahi::

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

:: Here is my journey! ::

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah to all my dearest followers rahimakumullah..

Alhamdullilah...it has been many many days that I didn't mind about blogging.

so, Rindu...Longing...missing....

1. Rindu Mak!
--> Alhamdulillah...walaupun cuti seminggu sempena CNY, saya pasrah..saya gunakan sepenuhnya utk bersama parents kat rumah. oh....mula nak rindu balik dah bila nak cakap pasal dorang..........................
--> saya yakin mak saya is the best mom in the world! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
--> since saya dah 21.....dan kedut2 di wajah beliau pun tak dapat nak sorok dah! dang*
--> walaubagaimanapun, ibu saya tetap MUDA DAN CANTIK di mata saya....
--> Ya Allah, tempatkan kedua ibubapaku di tempat yang menyamankan di SyurgaMu Ya Allah....Jika aku tidak Kau temukan dgn mereka sekalipun, aku memohon dgn sepenuh hatiku, biarlah mereka bahagia di Syurga kelak dan terlepas dari azab Mu yang keras..............amin....*sob sob sob....*

[ni mak saya yg tgah sibuk dok pilih barang time sale!]
--> tau tak, suatu hari nanti, kalau dipanjangkan umur dan jodoh, saya ingin jadi ibu yang exactly macam mak saya....
--> sbb dia la yg tabah, sabar, sanggup berkorban, dan banyak banyak banyak banyak lagi
--> I love boasting about my mom because I truly proud to have her as my mom....Alhamdulillah....
--> for your info, my mom is not a malay lady...dia darah campur2...[but of course takde darah omputeh!...ahak...]...
--> my mom lahir dalam keluarga yg susah....indeed....she is so determined.....and she told me that she once wanted to become a nurse....sbb dia ckp nurse dulu2 pakai skirt? [itu yg dia ckp....] hehe.....but now her daughter yg dalam bidang perubatan...walaupun bukan nurse-to-be tp tetap jugak jalan2 cari makan kat hospital bila dah habis belajar nanti kan?
--> ayah kepada mak saya [yakni datuk saya...was a javanese....nama nya dirahsiakan sbb terextreme jawa namanya....hehehe.....] and nenek saya pulak Melanau-Indonesia......
--> well, ayah saya purely malay-sarawak.
--> so bila tambah tolak, lahirlah saya dan angkatan adik beradik saya....
--> bak kata org melayu, ikan di laut, asam di darat, dalam periuk bertemu jua....o yeah.!
--> dalam al Quran pun Allah ada sebut....

"Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertakwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal".
Surah al.Hujurat (13)

2. Rindu Naqibah ...
--> saya tak tau la....I guess, bila join usrah, boleh rindu...[tp normal la jugak kan?]
--> saya dah lama tak gi usrah sbb senior and naqibah saya busy ....
--> so jiwa saya kosong.....kosong dan dahaga dgn ilmu ...so saya pun diilham oleh Allah utk pergi beli buku....so saya beli 3 buah buku...[woah! buku2 yg saya sibuk cakap buku teks sepanjang hayat tu pun tak habis baca ...sibuk lagi nak beli buku baru....waduh!]
--> tu la penangan usrah dan dapat pulak naqibah yg hebat....naqibah saya seorang muslimah yg saya kagum...dia lawak....semangat tak pernah luntur utk berda'wah walaupun dah ada 4 org anak.... walaupun dia tak la sihat selalu.... terbaik!

[ni siap buat wallpaper! ]

so, tu je utk kali ni....sorry...input tak byk utk kalian.....saya pun tgah refill ilmu sekrang...walaupun tak la byk mane kan....and saya akhiri dgn video yg touching [cerita Dr Haron Din bertemu Rasulullah]....Subhanallah...untungnya beliau.....

terasa sikit sgt amalan diri....

wallahuallam...oh ye...jgn lupa bahagiakan ibubapa anda semua.....amin..saya mendoakan ibubapa anda juga menjadi penghuni Syurga Allah. Amin....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

:::Many stories to share part 3:::

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

Alhamdulillah...at last ... I have gotten myself some time to make a new entry after more than a week [?] since I made my last entry.

honestly, I'm getting buzy... you know...being piled up with all those research, exams, lectures...

masyaAllah....how dare am I complaining...masyaAllah...

back to the main point.

Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.[As saff: 4]

2. Start thinking of my future husband

--> I am not a type of girl that mind so much to think about a guy that would come to my heart. I'm really blocking any of them.
--> but, recently, it is quite an alarming warn for me since I am 21 years old. you know, I made several targets of age to end my single status :

(i) 20 years old : I missed the target. [x jumpa lagi!]
(ii) 23 years old : ok...insyaAllah
(iii) 25 years old : if (ii) is not fulfilled
(iv) 28 years old : if all of the above is not fulfilled

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.[al hujurat : 13]
--> but human being could just merely do a planning, but everything is decided by Allah...this is certain.
--> p/s : don't worry, no.1( 2 months 3 days.) is not related to this ...
--> and Allah made me came across with this beautiful quotes...Alhamdulillah... I feel better everytime I read this :

"Allah has already written the names of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah swt. He will send her/him to you when you're ready. It is only a matter of time..~"(Sheikh Mamdouh)

--> so, I always pray to Allah, to send me the best person for me. it's not mr Right anymore...he should be Mr Righteous [Mr. Soleh ]...
--> what I need to do more, to make my effort to the fullest level is my relationship with Allah....I am not dare to say I am so in love with Allah...I am afraid of being someone who is munafiq...[naudzubillah..]...Only Allah knows the contents of my heart...I just know my heart partly...because I am not the owner of my heart... it's Allah's. so...I dare to say, I am putting my effort to learn how to love Allah as what a slave like me obliged to do....
--> people...trust me...learn how to love Allah, improve the feeling from day to day....then, He will send you someone that will guide you... to always making steps closer to Him...*wink!*

p/s : aren't them make you feel better too?

3. I would if I could!

--> To make short this very long2x story...I would prefer to make it short.
--> One counselor told me to make an adaptation throughout my lifetime as I would encounter many types of crowd out there...so he told me to not treating guys like they're not exist. [ouch....this part hurts!]... he tried to manipulate my principle...
--> he told me that, Islam is beautiful...and try not to make Islam seen as a rigid stuff...[ another shot...! ]
--> try to smile to them [3rd shot!]
--> he told me that many people like me, with all the tudung, lowering my gaze (jaga pandangan)....after 10 years time, totally changed. yellow dyed hair...bla bla bla [ 4th shot!]
--> again, he told me that people like me always look down other people who don't properly tutup aurat...[this is so unacceptable....my heart starts to feel ache... I really wanna leave that place....I never intend to wear all this just to look down at people who don't properly preserve their aurat! I was also wearing that way back then! of course I would not feel that way! as if I am insulting myself? astaghfirullah....how could he say that!]

O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.[Al hujurat: 12]

as long as Allah reminds me this ayat, I will try not doing anything against Allah's law. insyaAllah...

--> as usual, people like me....I cried my heart out after the session!

--> Why I was crying stupidly ? excuse me...not because of my principle is being degraded...it just I feel that is it true that I am making Islam is seen as a rigid stuff?
--> to me, Islam is tsabit wa murunah : fix and flexible.....!
--> I am just protecting myself, but I am being looked up as a rigid believer....Ya Allah....am I follow a wrong path of transformation? is it WRONG for me not to smile to guys? [even the smiling is not a kinda of flirting?]
I am so sad thinking of that....]
--> but, after several hours, I am getting back my rational sense....
--> I would like to thank that sir so much for telling me all these....
--> although, I was receiving by quite number of shots, but I think, he has his own opinion...that is the way he sees Islam....
--> but I do have my own way too.... because sir, I owe Allah many explanations when The Day comes ...plus, don't worry, my smiling sensation would be much used in front of my future husband...I will smile everyday to my future husband sampai dia muntah hijau...[hehe]...
--> so, sir...thank you for telling me....but I still hold strongly with my principle.... as long as I'm taking Islam as a way of life...I am the one that once live in jahiliah ...and now I am still searching for a brighter light to make a further step....far from jahiliyah, and closer to Him.... after Allah gave me the light to start my step.

that is all for this time..... please forgive me for anything....anything....and please pray for ummah ....may us all being placed in His Jannah.....ameen....

all of the pictures were taken from Google image.


Monday, January 2, 2012

This is the best!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah


I just get here and make a new entry.


just wanna drop by to share you with this link. watch it and lets it touches your hearts.